Friday 12 February 2016

We're crossing the bridge!

It's 7:05. It should take us about 20 mins from here. 
See you soon. 

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We've made it to Perth!

All going well so far. It's 6:25 and we're just passing Perth. So should be with you in the next hour. We will update when crossing the bridge. 


That's us all on the coach. The driver thinks it should take us about 2.5 hours. So aiming to be back at school by 7pm. We'll keep you posted though!

Headed back to Lagganlia.

That's us all on our way back to Lagganlia after another great day on the hill (although slightly harsher weather!) A quick turn around and then we'll be homeward bound. Will keep you updated on the times as the journey goes. 


Where is everyone?